My entry to the "Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 9"

It's time for another entry for the Pay It Forward contest initiated by @thedarkhorse.

The rules are simple: Showcase 2 newbies with reputation below 50... and the 3rd presentation is optional but has to be under the theme "Pay It Forward"

I can't believe how many artists, publishing their original works, have been joining lately. And some of them have a great talent, exactly like the 2 artists I'll be featuring:

#1 - @permanayogi (38)

Yogi Permana is from Indonesia and he arrived SteemIt just 19 days ago, as you can see by his introduction post. His blog has both a selection of good photos and his own drawings, some of them are really cute.

The post I've selected to showcase his work is: Entry for @sethlinson's Portrait Contest - it's part of a challenge "to make a portrait drawing of anyone you like."
I liked this work, a lot:


#2 - @teafp (42)

Once more, I'll present a fresh new Steemian, who joined SteemIt only 15 days ago... and also, an artist from Indonesia.

Coincidence... or are we witnessing the beginning of an era of Indonesian Renaissance?

His name is Evan Pratama and he's a student. Most of his posts are his own artistic works and the one I've selected for this presentation is: Submission for Easy Mini Drawing Contest #2: CORN

This is an excellent entry for a contest which required artists to "draw Corn in any way you like."

Ain't it cute?


Please share your opinions about these artists, their works... and if you liked these drawings, why don't you start following them?

Now, for the optional part of the contest, the person I've selected... is not a person, but a bot:

#3 - @dustsweeper (45)

In case you haven't realised, comments with tiny votes are not being paid by SteemIt because their voting value is simply too low. (Below 0.02 SBD)

To fix this problem, this new service was created by @davemccoy and @danielsaori. I've just found out about this and I haven't tried it myself yet, but I'm seriously thinking about giving it a try.

Here's the latest post: Dustsweeper FAQ

The idea behind this is simple. You send this bot a small amount, which the bot will use to upvote your 6-day comments with a value below 0.02 SDB. The bot will give your comments a tiny boost, but just enough for them to get paid. In the end, this equals to a small investment in yourself.

Users who have been here for a long time will probably disregard this... and rightfully so, since the idea is for this bot to help newbies.

If you want to join the contest, here's more info about the "Pay It Forward" contest.

My previous participations are here:

@cleverbot & @banjo: are you there!?

@trincowski signing out.

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