I Explore My Journey With You!- Writing Challenge - Day #4

Hello Steemian Friends!

Day #4

Skip below if you have read Day #1, Day #2 and Day #3

This is a continuation of how I evolved to the lifestyle I live today. Please read Day #1 Post, Day #2 Post & Day #3 Post First!

Thank you for following along. I hoping you are enjoying the story.

Purpose of these posts: I have been slacking on my posting lately. More so I’ve been focusing on commenting and resteeming great content. So, with that I have decided to challenge myself! I am going to attempt to write a short series of posts, hopefully one a day, if not oh well! Not much of challenge for you regulars, but for me a challenge non the less. Not sure how many posts this will be, but for the next week I am going to tell you my story of how my wife and I ended up in the lifestyle we have been currently living for the past 4 years. And what continues to lead us through this lifestyle. Looking back this was an epic journey to where we are today. The purpose of this is for you to find inspiration that making changes in your life can have a huge impact of where you are today. I hope you find this useful and insightful. Thank you for stopping by and as always Enjoy and Explore!

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

Image Credit Pixabay

My apologies I did not get this post out yesterday! But I’ll get right into with today’s post. The documentary that I believe changed our lives forever was Forks Over Knives, Join the Conversation that’s Changing the Way America Eats. This movie examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.

Forks Over Knives documents two doctors, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a nutritional biochemist, and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, a former surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic. Combined their studies are truly groundbreaking. These two doctors conducted separate research and experiments and both concluded degenerative disease like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even several forms of cancer could almost always be prevented AND in many cases be reversed! And it was with one simple task; eating a whole foods, plant-based diet! Watch the documentary with an open mind and see for yourself. It’s on Netflix! I would also recommend the book “The China Study” by Dr. T. Colin Campbell.

After the movie ended, Amber and I both said, “This is it!” We made the switch to a whole foods plant based diet over night! A lot of people ask us how we switched and most are amazed we did it “over night.” Now I will admit that dairy, mostly cheese, took about 6 more months to get completely free of, but for meat it was over night!

After seeing the people featured in the film with diabetes and heart disease completely get off medication and reverse their disease, it was mind blowing! We thought for sure this was it and we were willing to try anything! Just the health benefits in general was really convincing enough. Little did we know at the time, what the magnitude of a vegan diet promotes!

Continuing forward Amber and I researched the hell out of the vegan lifestyle, and gained as much knowledge to effectively be successful with our plan! We purchased a vegan cook book and that really kicked started our evolution into the vegan lifestyle. Not in a million years would I have ever thought my path in life would lead me here!

After a month, we both starting feeling so much better! Aches and pains were gone, energy levels were increased, recovery from workouts were faster! It was truly a crazy experience. Every week Amber and I would say to each I don't feel this pain, or this ache or I feel stronger and more energy.

Little did we know what would come about in the next couple of years...

To Be Continued....

Again I would like to thank you all for following along!! I have been enjoying the conversations and support along the way! We all have a story to tell. This is mine! :)

Stay tuned for the next post on the continuation of how my wife and I got to the lifestyle we live now. If you like to support my efforts here for this week much love to you!! Whatever these posts earn, we will be donating the USD equivalent to our favorite Farm Sanctuary. Tamerlaine Farm Animal Sanctuary.

Thank You! Keep exploring!

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