Monday will be my two Month-A-Versary on Steemit, so to celebrate I have decided to put some offers on the table. I have survived the crypto crashes, the reward debates as well as at home dramas and I'm super proud to say I am still here powering up, steeming on and loving it!

I must admit my posting habits did slip a bit during month two, as posting daily with work and other competing priorities was hard. However, despite the challenges, I did learn a lot and managed to post a few times a week, while still interacting almost daily through comments and upvotes, remember last month how important I told you commenting was to grow a following and engagement.

So even though I couldn't post blogs daily I didn't lose any followers, as I stayed engaged with my them through comments and in fact gained more followers.

Actually all my stats went up.
(being an accountant I am prone to over analysis and Steemit is no exception).

I am not saying don't post daily as I think that's brilliant habit to get into and part of the reason I decided to join #dolphinschool an initiate set up by @markrmorrisjr to help redfish, plankton, minnows get a jump start on steemit and find our groove as one of my fellow participates would say, check her out @mineopoly. Basically, you learn how to be a better content creator at no cost to you other than a few upvotes and resteems, WIN WIN right. It gets better, he has also put profit sharing on the table if you excel in any of the assignments, so long as you complete every assignment and follow the rules of school.

Its challenging to say the least but the best things in life require work and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty, how about you? If you dare check out the most recent post HERE, so dramatic I know but its well worth a visit even if you only take away the tips and only complete some of the assignments for your own development.

Talking about self-development that's what month two was about for me, time to take a step back and learn more about what I was actually doing and how this wonderful contraption we call steemit works.

What can I offer you?

As a plankton, I have been sitting here pondering this exact question for the last few hours. A waste of time you may say and I was beginning to despair and think the same thing until something @hitmeasap said. We were all excited at being chosen as part of his inaugural #asapers delegation experiment and trying to figure out what we should do differently with our delegations. When he told us...

The only thing I ask, is that you both continue to do what you've been doing so far. I've seen it and others will too. I'm sure of that! :)

So that got me thinking, what am I doing now? I'm almost two months old, still a baby fish in a fast developing pond but with amount of new users coming on daily I'm also an old hat.

Why would I offer you something?

First let me just put it out there, I'm not going to lie, its to help ME grow... As without growth I can't offer more than I am already giving but nobody said I can't grow with others.

Say What? You want to offer US something so that WE can grow!

Yes, of course, how else do you grow and retain that growth without offering something in return... RETAIN is the key word there. I not only want to grow my following but I want to retain them. To retain them you need a give and take realtionship and how do you build a relationship? Full circle, we are back to genuiune engagment, as everyone likes to feel valued and how do we do that on steemit?


I know I love it when someone engages on my posts with a thoughtful comment with or without an associated upvote. It makes all the effort put in worth it.

My first offer!

This is what I can offer to you right now! Engagement, for every thoughtful comment I recieve below for the next 7 days, I will not only reply but I will venture over to your feed, read a post that interests me, comment and if my voting power can spare it an upvote too. My vote is currently worth $0.07, not huge but better than a poke in the ey with a burnt stick as my father would say!

My second offer

Is a WATCH this SPACE! Myself along with the team of #asapers are working on a weekly profit sharing curation post hat will be on the look out for quality plankton work, is that you? Have you gone unnoticed to date and have something of value to share with other steemians? As I said WATCH this SPACE! We aim to have it up an running in a week or so we are still working out the finer details. We will be testing the profit sharing tool tomorrow, I had aimed to do it on this post but I hit post before updating the beneficiaries section at the bottom, my bad, so tomorrow it is.

Which brings me to my third offer

I will continue to share tips and hints as I learn them with you. We don't know what we don't know, and on steemit there is a lot out there you wouldn't even think to ask about, so the chances of finding it without others sharing it is nigh on impossible. Today's tip has to do with markdown but before I move onto that if you are interested in finding out more about profit sharing directly from your posts, SteemPlus is the chrome extension you will need to download.

Now I feel "Justified" in telling you this, justified text looks better! Take this post for instance.

Not Justified

Not Justified.PNG


Justified 2.png

How did I do that? A simple markdown trick.

div justify.PNG

Well that's it from me today!

If you have a minute I'd love you to check out my other posts @insideoutlet:

Paradise or Death – Why so serious?
EXCITING!!! #DolphinSchool starts today! & Project #asapers is Live!
The worlds largest treasure hunt!
Meet Baza the crested hawk - Australia Day fun

My hubby is also a great steemian worth a follow, check him out @shai-hulud. Below are two of his series:

Myths of Man: Bodhisattva.
Alphabet Adventures Episode 7... Australia Day

Don't forget to follow us so you don't miss a thing!

Power up and Steem on!!!

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