Notes From an Amateur Writer #18 - Facing the Challenge Part 2


This is day 26 for me (I started 1 day late) in @dragosroua's 30 day writing challenge.


The third article I wrote in these Notes series was titled Facing the Challenge. It spoke about my decision to take on the 30 day challenge that I mention at the beginning of every post. It remains there more as a means of keeping me honest, less as an attempt to big note myself or my achievements in any way. Although people are free to perceive it any way they choose – that's the beauty of the written word and it's dance with the reader's imagination and sense of self.

When thinking about what I wanted to write for my next Notes the same title arose in my mind's eye. The title I had already used. I had to go back and check, had I used that very title? Word for word it would seem. So I reread the article, and I felt like what I wanted to write about was a logical continuation of that very theme. Just from today's perspective. I wrote that on the 26th of June. It seems writers can go through a lot of change and upheaval in only 3 weeks. Challenges continue to present themselves, for the betterment of the writer. If they are willing to face the challenge.

I have continued to dig deep and write daily. My thoughts continue to flow into words, and ideas continue to arise to the surface. I am grateful, and it seems the sacrifices I have offered my Muse have been well received.

I wrote 2 short stories in particular that have fueled my desire to write this article. They are:

The End of the World
The God's of Love and War

With both of these I stepped out of my comfort zone in various ways. The first, and probably least significant way was with word count. I had gotten into a zone where I was writing approx 1000 – 1500 word stories. They work well for Steemit posts, and for reader's attention spans. But they are limiting to the more thorough exploration of a theme or concept. And that was mostly my fault as it had become comfortable, but without realising it I was preventing myself from going deeper, pushing further, and looking for that extra spark.

These two story ideas arrived about a week apart. But it was clear from the outset that they needed a more thorough and detailed story. Clearly they are still short stories, but I allowed the ideas to flourish that little bit longer, the words to breath a little bit deeper. I wanted to get more out of them. I wanted to say so much more than the grooved in pattern would allow.

With The End of the World I took a turn down a dark alley and found a world of surrealistic beauty. I had never noticed that world before. A darker, stranger, more surreal style of SciFi. I liked how it evolved as I typed the words. As the characters emerged from the depths of my mind. Where had they been hiding? And are there more of them back there? Most likely.

I have been reading so much more, both here at Steemit and with various novels. Making a concerted effort to bathe in the light of other author's spells and magic.

And I wanted to push myself into new territories. I think it is the best way to learn. And I wont lie, I still have much to learn. But at the same time I have come so far also. Especially in this past month. And I have Steemit to thank for that, and the wonderful authors here who support and encourage me (they know who they are).

And what developed from that writing was a strange world of sin and hell, preachers and robots. And a girl named Jolie. Who were these people? And what the hell were they on about? I'm still not 100% certain, but I think I have the gist of it.

The second story, The Gods of Love and War pushed me even further. In a different direction. A level of intimacy and vulnerability came out in that writing that I tend to steer away from. It's not manly (hmmm, who else had that fear?). But I had an idea I wanted to explore, and I wanted to do it the justice it deserved.

It was partly inspired by Charles Bukowski's writing (thus the name of the narrator), but I wanted the protagonist to be a more likeable fellow. I read Factotum and was interested in the writing, but came away disliking the main character. But it still lead to ideas, which eventually lead to this story. The main angle is a little different, in that it deals directly with a series of relationships and not necessarily the ongoing daily struggles of the character. And leading to some form of realisation for him, which is why his name isn't revealed until the final section – the section where he is told he needs to 'find himself'.

And the end result was two stories in which I am really happy. And a style and level of writing that has developed just that little bit more, and been stretched just that little bit further. Because I felt I needed a challenge, and I faced it.

Normally I would turn and run.

All images used with permission, and sourced from

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Notes From an Amateur Writer blog series:

Notes From an Amateur Writer #1 - The Search For Inspiration
Notes From an Amateur Writer #2 - A Call to Action: Interacting With the World Outside of Me
Notes From an Amateur Writer #3 - Facing the Challenge
Notes From an Amateur Writer #4 - The Soundtrack to Grief and Loss
Notes From an Amateur Writer #5 - Music as a Catalyst for Imagination: Jimi Hendrix's Little Wing
Notes From an Amateur Writer #6 - The Stories All Around Us
Notes From an Amateur Writer #7 - Introducing Nomad [A Cyberpunk Mystery in the Making]
Notes From an Amateur Writer #8 - The House at the Edge of the World
Notes From an Amateur Writer #9 - Making Peace With My Kindle
Notes From an Amateur Writer #10 - Learning the Craft of Story Structure
Notes From an Amateur Writer #11 - Adults Sit at the Big Table, Children Sit at the Small Table
Notes From an Amateur Writer #12 - The Time I Won a Lego Competition
Notes From an Amateur Writer #13 - Learning to Fly
Notes From an Amateur Writer #14 - The Tucker 48: Face to Face With a Million Dollar Vehicle
Notes From an Amateur Writer #15 - When the Levee Breaks: A Story in Song and Words
Notes From an Amateur Writer #16 - Monty Python, Keanu Reeves, and My Case of Invisibility
Notes From an Amateur Writer #17 - Dancing With My Muse

Short Fiction:

Bang Bang You're Dead
I Have No Name and I Must Scream
The Last Book Store
The Judge
The Man In The Mirror
The End of the World [Part 1] [Part 2]
The Locked Room
The Gods of Love and War [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]

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