fitinfun Social Media Links @dragosroua challenge30days Day 18

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I have been working to get all my links together and into steemit format. I’m grateful for this challenge by @dragosroua to get me to complete the task.

I’m on every social media platform I can be on in many different niches. I’m there because I have connections there and sell my work there.

Before you see by big long list, here are the top three I use aside from Steemit.


This is a Godsend miracle in my steemit life. Here is my full Kyrptonia review, but in a nutshell, I get

  • excellent upvotes
  • great comments
  • wonderful friends
  • SUP coin for tasks I complete
    All for doing what I already do anyway at steemit.

Get on it. Let’s make more money and have a better experience while we’re here. If you join, please use my @kryptonia affiliate link. Thank you!


I have 6000 real followers in all my niches on twitter. Since coming to steemit, I have gained:

  • 325 steeming tweeps
  • 500 other crypto tweeps not on steemit
  • and my other content creating connections are noticing the action.

Here is my List for Steemers on Twitter. Please get on it and retweet from it if you are on Twitter.

I get a lot of my affiliate sales from Twitter and I get great action on steemit tweets now.


FB is a big part of my effort on social media. I was never on it until I published my first book and now I use it daily.

I belong to almost 800 fb groups in my various niches and post my work and advertising to them. Some groups are used for asking questions and others are for advertising or networking.

I’m in over 50 fb groups for steemit and blast my posts to them and sometimes other people’s posts. A lot of countries have fb groups and some cities. I’m in everything SE Asia.

So those are the top three places I’m active and this below is everything I’ve got. Please join me anywhere.



NOTE: I spend no money on any social media – only time.

fitinfun FB Pages

I have a lot of FB pages because they work. I leave evergreen posts in there and people find them by searching. After the disaster with FB this spring, searches are now coming back to me because - Ha! I have real content and people like it. And my SEO is on point. So people come to my pages and then:

  • Buy affiliated products
  • Buy Books
  • Buy Coaching
    That’s that plan and it sometimes it works!

fitinfun FB Health and Beauty Pages

Amazon Healthy Deals
Dry Skin Brushing for Everyone
Fight Obesity Naturally
Fight PTSD Naturally
Coconut Oil for Hair and Skin
Weird Food Cookbooks

fitinfun FB Social Media Pages

Publish, Promote, Persevere Indie Authors together
Viglink Affiliate Marketers
How to Use Viraltag to Schedule Social Media Posts
Fix My Boring Blog
Fix My WordPress Site – DIY
Do Better on Twitter

My You Tube Channel

I’ve got about 500 videos and 100K in views is coming right up!

Here are all my playlists to give you an idea of my niches.


Social Media and info products

Social Media Tips and help
Learn Twitter with Fitinfun
Using LinkedIn for Connections, Marketing and Assistance with my Online Work
Learning You Tube
Video Production Set Up videos from fitinfun
Behance Tutorials Uploading and Improving my Artistic Portfolio
Watch Fitinfun Write eBooks

Obesity and Weight loss

Fight Obesity with Sharon at Fitinfun
My Weight Loss History Fitinfun
Parents Losing Weight for your Kids
Internet Dating and Meeting Men after Losing "Half My Size"

Dry Skin Brushing

Dry Skin Brushing Tutorials and Information

Foot Care

Foot Soak Illustration from "I Have Loose Skin on My Feet" Sharon French Amazon eBook
Fitinfun Foot Massage and Foot soak


Stretching with fitinfun
Breathing Spirometer Use and Information
Underwater Swimming with Sharon Fitinfun
Urban Gardening a Little at a time


Healthy food I eat now that I am thin
Fitinfun Healthy Organic Home Cooked Food for Weight Loss and life thereafter
Tamicon Paste for weight loss and variety in your diet

Illness and injury

How to help edema symptoms
Fitinfun Help for Wrist Pain
Tattoo Information from fitinfun
Fight PTSD Naturally


Study Skills and Tutoring
Easy, Cheap College Dorm Food


SCOTTeVEST Women's Featherweight Vest and Lucy Cardigan
Bangkok Sutthisan MRT Area
Vientiane Laos

I like a lot of variety.

You can enter this challenge too!

Go to the opening post for the @dragosroua #challenge30days challenge.

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More of my posts for this cool series

How did you get on Steemit?
1000 STEEM! What would you do with it?
What’s the best thing that happened to you because of Steemit?
witness day - did not complete
What are the top 5 crypto assets you’re investing in now?
What Is Your Main Reason For Staying On Steemit?
Three things to make a better experience
What’s your most consistent hobby?
Where do you see Steemit in 5 years?
What’s your favorite morning drink?
What's More Important for Steemit - Smart Media Tokens or Hivemind?
What crypto asset will dominate the market in 5 years?
Top Three Cities?
How Many steemit Posts per Day?
Where do you see yourself on Steemit in 5 years?
Would You Post on Steemit for Free?

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