📌'Eyes On'👀- Issue #13📓

#thealliance Eyes On enginewitty.png

#thealliance Is

...one big happy family, and it is our duty to uphold our standard as quality curators and creators. Keeping that in mind as you read the rest of this, do remember that it is the engagement that makes us great and thrive as a community. Don't know who your family members are? This profile follows **ONLY** our members and the support accounts. Our strength is only as powerful as the community in its combined efforts to support each other. We're doing amazing everyone, let's stay focused! Huge shout out to those that are helping us grow faster by delegating SP or contributing some of their hard earned SBD/STEEM to @thealliance or any of our other support accounts. You know who you are :)

Special Thanks

I would like to, and encourage you to as well, personally give a special thanks to our support accounts that have been helping our fantastic allies grow along with us. Aside from @thealliance, we have: Killer Whale - @killerwhale (trained by @enginewitty), Share The Steem Love - @stsl (ran by @bmj), Tye Dye Firepower - @tyedyefirepower (ran by @armshippie), The Mother Ship - @themothership (ran by @michaeldavid), the Allied Soldier - @a11y (ran by @enginewitty) and our newest support detail - STAX - @silvergoldbotty (ran by @phelimint). Why? Because they don't have to go the extra mile to support any of you. They CHOOSE to and as such, should be given at least a pat on the back and thank you. So from #thealliance, I say, thank you for being supportive of our family, we really appreciate it!

How Do I Join??

The first and best thing you can do is *READ THIS POST*. That way, you will find out who we are and what we represent. From there, you need to head to The Admissions Office. There, you will be greeted and asked to submit an application. We have both Spanish and English speaking professionals and will add others as the need arises. The sole purpose of the office is for applications. This is **THE ONLY** way anyone can become a member of #thealliance now. This is the front door. This is the 'Sorting Hat'. This is the only point of entry. The officers there will review your profile and application to decide whether or not you are alliance material. Some (unfortunately) will have to be turned away. Some will have potential and need to become 'students', if they so choose. Others will be sent directly to 'the playground'.

*****Special Notice*****

Just because someone is accepted as a member or is a member now, does not necessarily mean they will forever remain a member. That is solely the choice of the ally to maintain the required participation level within the family. Members' content and engagement are checked periodically by the Quality Control Officers. The Juyo will also check to see the amount of support given to your family. If it is believed to be too low and an individual is lacking the desired family unity, then it is grounds for removal and MOST will be asked about your intentions. Notification will depend on the level of commitment you had shown PRIOR to getting put on the chopping block. Some may start strong and trickle off, some may not even graft themselves to the family tree at all. If you are or have been removed, feel free to re-apply at any time. All new and re-applying members are subject to the same application process, regardless of your STEEM Power or Reputation, and will be reviewed by the Application Board.

Pow-wow Friday 11 p.m. & Saturday 11 a.m. EST

We will change to Friday nights for awhile and try to get people accustomed to a 'schedule'. Friendly reminder then, that this Friday, will be our weekly 'pow-wow'. 11 p.m. and then on Saturday 11 a.m. EST. The purpose is to familiarize yourself more with your fellow allies and go over any changes or suggestions people may have. We're a family, and want you all to participate in the growth and steady flow of Allied activity and really just get to know each other. See you there!

@themothership & @a11y - What's The Difference?

The main difference is @themothership is a nominal mandatory requirement whereas @a11y is an optional boost for interested parties. I am aware they are both new concepts and as newer members come in, it may take a little bit to grow accustomed. Please Read this for specs on @themothership and if you are interested in @a11y, please read about that by going here. If you need help boarding, simply ask. We will get you the STEEM for a ticket so there is no reason any member shouldn't be on.

The Featured Member

As the vast majority of you all are well aware of, @thealliance runs a 'Featured Member' series as part of our curation agenda. This is to honor and highlight particular members of #thealliance that have been putting in the time to support other members and have been consistent in their work and engagement on Steemit. This week, our badass member is @fiftysixnorth, do stop in and show him the respect he has earned and deserves!

#thealliance @fiftysixnorth.png

Eyes On

#thealliance tag is very useful to keep track of allied posts and give credit where credit is due. I'm sure there are some great posts from our family that didn't use our tag, but since this is @thealliance... One 'category' I've seen more of lately is 'curation'. For me, that's a wonderful thing. It speaks loudly to say, "we care about others and their well being on the platform so this post - is about them." Like one of our members would say, it makes me smile. So below are different articles that aren't really about the people who wrote them.
Titans of #teamgood - @battleaxeMake Me Smile #9 - @elizachengThe Fiber Ramble - @fiberartists
These next few posts were chosen based on the value they have provided to Steemit users in reference to the platform as a whole and their relation to our wonderful 'Cryptosphere'. These are helpful articles to Steempeeps and ones that relate to the world of cryptocurrency in general. Thank you for writing them!

The Cryptosphere

ICO Review - Edenchain - @buzzbeergeekMy Top 5 Crypto Holdings - @mariannewestCrypto Portfolio & Reasonings - @gohba.handcrafts
Make Money with Bounties - @shonyishereA Little Crypto-Trading - @fat-elvisIs ETH Better Than BTC? - @maxabit

This next group of posts are ones that are just enjoyable to read for anyone and should have all of your 'eyes on' them. Just really great quality posts that we here at #thealliance love to see and read. Please enjoy the ones we have selected here and give them a pat on the back as they have been 'Duly Noted'!

Duly Noted

Signs of Indigo Children - @nainaztengraForgiveness is Not Easy - @sharoonyasirNo Business Reading This - @emjoe
Conversation With the Lawyer - @snowpeaTrue Art of Memory - @bluemistNew Moon -- Full Moon? - @enchantedspirit
True Life Story #4 - @bluelightbanditStar Wars Themed Terrarium - @phamishedHokule'a - Star of Gladness - @katrina-ariel
Strength & Indomitable Will - @shadowspubWhen the Sun Comes Out - @silverstackerukIn The Quantum World: Ch-1 pt-2 - @zen-art
5 Things I Forgive Myself For - @ameliabartlettHawaii Warriors of Hula - @thethreehugsRemembering Don - @thekittygirl
My Life Smells - @anjkaraWhat Kind of Steemian Are You? - @robertandrewThe Envelope - @snook

In this next section is a selection of posts that are astounding to just look at. Eye candy for the brain's visual delight. It is ARTWORK by members using our tag in their post. We hope you gain the same awe struck sensation as our eyes did upon seeing them.

The 'Fine Arts'


The Dying Hope - @vj1309Watercolor Irises - @prostosun


Watercolor Crypto - @marty-arts#sndbox Crypto Design - @edxserverus

In this eye-popping installment, we have more posts that are amazing to the visual senses. This is dedicated to photography by our fantastic nabbers of light and shadow. They have been given their own section apart from other artworks as it has its own large niche here on Steemit. Hope you like the ones chosen and I strongly suggest visiting the post to get the full effects.



Sunset on the Beach - @tattoodjaySunset in Vienna - @dejan.vuckovic


2018 Sammy Awards - @deadgrlsuppastar1967 Mustang Showcase - @edthecanadian


Jellies in Baltimore - @dabecksterButterflies @novalandrian22


Mom Prom pt. 1 - @ninahaskinB&W Trefoil Knot - @nenio


Tulip in the Rain - @deerjayFriday Blues - @saffisara


Alimentadose Feeding - @txatxyCararacol Snail - @sol25


B&W Mountains - @hanginAbsence of Color - @lourdeshd6


Spring Wildflower - @leyargozThe Beauties - @helena-m


Drops of Steel - @nicanor-mosqueraRed Zinnia - @redheadpei

We have a good handful of poets in our family's wings, so spotlighting them in their own section only seems like an agreeable option. Please enjoy the various forms of poetry like sonnets, haikus, free-verse poems and just beautiful reflections of the heart, mind and soul portrayed by the written word.


Where Were You - @snowpeaThe Two Laws - @hazem91The Game - @dswigle
Wednesday Wanderings - "6" - @rumplestiltskinGlass Half Full - @angelveselinovKillthepad Wk 12 - 'Persistence' - @ulqu3

As we have grown, several other kinds of artists have exposed themselves on the platform. That being the musicians! Of all the things considered art out there, this is one that everyone can find a style they like. After all, what is life without art? Especially music???

The Music Makers

Alif Wins Best Music Video! - @hardikvBehind the Glass - @enginewitty
A Capella Week #8 - @donatelloDaily Dose - @inthenow

I purposely DID NOT put pictures of all these fabulous foods because it was making me hungry going through them as it was! Is anyone else hungry yet? I know I sure am now, always have to take a break and get a snack when I get to this part of the article. This delicious section is 'for the foodies'.

For the Foodies

Tasty Treat Assignment - @amitsharmaBreakfast Date with Mrs. J - @bmjPerayaan Star Wars - @thekitchenfairy
Beautiful Beets - @brandybDinner for Loves - @arrliinn10 Minute Prep Lunch - @cooknbake

Stack 'em up peoples! I know some of you just love seeing all that metallic luster splattered on your screens. So here is your favorite part of the post! Ooooh...shiny...anyone else getting itchy over here? Damn stackitus...

Strictly for the Stackers

A Day in the Life - @thedamus1st YouTube Coin Win - @mikeshuhMay 2018 Silver & Gold - @gomatthew
Precious - Too Few Are the Moments - @fishycultureQueen's Beast Raffle - @silverd510Random Change From CA - @armshippie

#thealliance 'Trending' Sweet 16


#thealliance Witness Posts

There is only one witness I want to highlight this week. A brand new one in the family. Most of you know HER already and may have already given her a vote. I want to congratulate @thekitchenfairy on getting her first block! Current Allied witness are: @enginewitty, @jatinhota, @sircork/rhondak, @guiltyparties, and @thekitchenfairy. If you have not written us in, please do so by CLICKING HERE TO VOTE FOR WITNESSES. Thank you!


We love getting behind this initiative and see there are a few posts that deserve attention in reference to YAH. Thank you to any and all members for posting them and supporting them. If you haven't done your part, get over there and drop a good vote on these! I am also giving 25% of this post's payout (rounded up to the nearest SBD) to @youarehope.
50 Pairs of Shoes ResultsAn Abandoned Space
Thankful Thursday ReportShoutout Saturdays #6


The Tazewell Animal Rescue Coalition is run by @rhondak and needs our help to assure funding continually coming in and save some pets! You know you love those cute little doggies! So, we will be splitting the proceeds between @youarehope and @tarc. They will each get 25% (rounded up to the nearest SBD) from all 'Eyes On' posts. In the meantime, go see about the ones below.
Make Me Smile Week #12Silver Linings Raffle

#thealliance YAH & TARC.png

The Educative Ropavejero Project

Struggling to reach a major audience and get the funds they need, @crisangel had brought this wonderful project to my attention a few months ago. The goal was to slide it into the @youarehope umbrella, but we have had no such luck and so, we here @thealliance will now give 75% of the liquid SBD from the Eyes On posts to worthy causes. 25% to YAH, 25% to Tarc, and 25% to @crisangel while the fundraising is going on to help fix up those schools down there.
Progress ReportPaying it Forward

Tag! You're It! Or Are You?

Are you enjoying the game? No? We have no winner again. I am henceforth discontinuing this part of Eyes On because it takes time going through posts tracking to see who was or wasn't tagged. Of the last 8 games only 4 people started which is not a great percentage. What the odd part is, is some of the same people actually commented on the issue(s) they were 'it', so I am really starting to wonder why I do these if less than half the people are actually reading them. Whole lot of work highlighting YOU. In fact, these will probably start being a LOT shorter as they will get a complete overhaul and highlight people based on engagement within the family instead of just the use of our tag. This coming week begs a PURGE.

Thank You!

Thank you for taking the time to read this (those that actually did). I also strongly recommend people visit the articles and profiles mentioned here to see about and support your family. Any questions anyone may have about anything or contests you want to promote, feel free to post those in the comments as well.

Quick Note

For those that are not aware, @thelliance has a curation trail set up now on Steem Auto. If you would like to support all your family members, AND I MEAN ALL, feel free to head over there and hop on the trail. Remember I said all, so adjust your voting power accordingly if you choose to tag along. STeem On!

Making sure we're all on the same page! Remember...

just keep swimming...just keep swimming...

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