I thought it may be useful for my new followers (almost 1200 now!) and anyone considering voting for my witness to be able to see a quick overview of my posts so far.
This post was created using a new tool I've been working on, made using nodejs and pulling all post info from steemdata. It currently only gives overview listings but this is just a small part of a larger project I'll describe in a future post ;)
It's hard to believe I've been here since July 2016 - its been an interesting journey :)
July 2016

- Dark theme for Steemit
- steemviz.com - A handy dashboard visualisation for steemit
- Steem just hit Poloniex Exchange!
- Split-Screen STEEM/SBD Poloniex chart
- ausbitbank PGP Identity verification
- Steem addiction day 10 : Steem Domains. (I'll show you mine if you show me yours !)
- BTCCNY Weekly Timeframe analysis and Nostalgia for 22/7/2016
- SteemCap.com beta - Track steem marketcap and trends
- Bitcoin Marketcap closing in on Twitter!
- steemcloud:: preview+feedback request
- BTC Trading Tips :: Market Cap graphing using the QUANDL dataset
- BTC Trading Tips :: Detect trend changes using XAUUSD/BTCUSD
- Steemleak::Funds as they stand now + the current SBD discount + SDB Chart +
- Tradingview pinescript indicator for Polo :: SBD Pegwatch [New!]
- Coming out. [#downtherabbithole pt1]
- Tradingview Pinescript Indicator:: SteemUSD [New!]
- $STEEM & $SBD Experimental Indicator + conversion timing assistant [New!]
August 2016
- PSA - Steem and SBD Rallying right now!
- Steemit Website Usability Suggestion :: /category/username/ is error 404
- PSA BitFinex has been hacked
- Bitfinex Hack News Updates + BTC/STEEM/SBD/MAID Analysis for 5/8/16 (My 32nd Birthday!)
- Enriching steemit by inviting original content creators - Day 25 [@hugothepoet is coming!]
- Where did the towers go ? The evidence of directed free-energy technology on 9/11 [Dr Judy Wood]
- The Legend Of Borry [Dead Kelly - Epic Aussie Metal Comedy ]
- The hypnotic dance of Earth and Venus around the Sun [Sacred Geometry/SpiritScience/DownTheRabbitHole]
- Powering Up - Just passed 1000 steem power :D [ I'm all into steemit! ]
- Adventures in peaceful non-compliance : Australian Census 2016 [TODAY]
- Electronic Frontiers Australia thinks steem is "too good to be true"
- New account creations per reaching all time high! But posts & votes per day are dropping.. Bots ?
- PSA - Shapeshift.io "shifty" implementation is bugged (Tells you to send STEEM to non-existent accounts) !
- Aloha Ke Akua ~ Awaken and Transformation [Nahko Bear/SpiritScience Tunes]
- SteemFace preview - a new tool to Verify and Promote your steemit account on facebook [🎆My first 100 Followers🎆]
- 🌟 Abracadabra! 🌟 An exploration of words and morphing intent [#downtherabbithole]
- Custom QR Codes for SteemFace & meatspace marketing
- Aus Govt: "We torturned some kids" [Juice Media / I wish this was a parody]
- 💔Devastated 💔 Gary the Goat may be on his last legs [Donation pledge]
- SteemViz update 😎 Promotional payments now highlighted and linked
- Gday ✌ I'm Adam aka @ausbitbank !
- ❔ Whats Jeff up to today ❔
- SteemViz update ✰ See live follows, edits, deletions and more!
September 2016
- Suspicious activities spotted on Steemit today [Mass registrations, Key changes, Self Spamming + Deletion tactic?]
- 📷 Using GIMP for beautiful faded photos in your posts! 📷
- 🎈 My journey to 200 followers and beyond 🎈 Stats and thoughts on steemit and the future 🎈
- LinkBack-Bot-v0 - Spammier then wangbot ?
- Wikileaks news updates, rap news 6 and epic milestones for krystle!
- Todays Steemviz updates + KidDarko art giveaway!
- Follow the votes with streemian for autopilot curation rewards!
- The time my town flooded, the fragility of the food supply and lessons learned (Original photos)
- How steemit can shut down its "competition" with some small modifications
- PSA - Streemian is glitching right now, upvoting old content crazy fast [Updated]
- Investigating the competition Part 1 🔎 Mask Network [TLDR: SCAM!]
- Adventures in peaceful non-compliance Part 2 : Australian Census 2016 [Followup Visit]
- Steemviz updates, Reblog protocol info and a success story reblogging older content!
- Market maker alittle targets $0.10 to $0.01 SBD per Steem [SpottedOnSteemViz]
- Steemviz updates ✰ Gif action, a legend, live market prices, tags, links, photos and more! [Steemverified]
- Follow the votes with SteemViz ✰ No login required !
- Steem / SBD / BTC market view for 25th September 2016 [+Custom indicator update]
- Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump + Jill Stein & Gary Johnson [RAP NEWS Special Edition]
- Investigating the competition Part 1.5 🔎 MarksNetwork [Followup]
- SteemViz update log for 29/9/16 ✰ Vote following improvements, interface upgrades, vote histories,statistics image purge and more!
- Steem hits $3.20 🚀 Steem dollars at $1.60 🚀 [Read before you buy a boat]
- Fresh papers for 30/09/16 - MedRec , Sleepy consensus and Fruitchains! [Blockchain Nerdporn + My Steemfest Progress]
- QubesOS 3.2 - A reasonably secure operating system [Paranoid? Read this!]
- Steemit passed 100k registered users🎆 Congrats to @shasoezseche for taking us over the line [You beat me to it!]
October 2016
- Steemit Subreddit revamp is live [Help Wanted - Lets make it great again!]
- Gollum snapshot filtered down to 8380 names [+ Security Recommendation]
- Streemian is back online 😅 Follow my votes for autopilot curation rewards!
- Luke Rudkowski's epic response to Alex Jones's tantrum over tonights Wikileaks broadcast
- Promote your posts on /r/steemit and do your bit for steemits public image! [Making /r/steemit great again]
- New steemit recipes for iftt.com - autopost your steemit to reddit/facebook/twitter and more! [100% SP]
- Bitcoin rally imminent ? Updated charts, thoughts and suggestions for new users [100% SP]
- 🎥 Swiss Army Man 🎥 Trailer, Review and Lucky number of the day!
- Steemviz update - more curators, less bugs and a new image proxy toggle feature
- Steemit.com updates - Savings accounts, New payout options, New registration process and more [release 0.0.20161011 PR 460]
- Help Wanted: Looking for volunteers and ideas for @steemleak [Support wikileaks on steemit]
- I am curating for the SteemTrail project ! [Australia/Security/Programming/Truth/Wikileaks]
- "Why am I getting less Steem Dollars and more Steem ?" SBD_PRINT_RATE - What it is, how to check it, how you can help [100% SP]
- SteemViz updates - New Follow The Tags feature and savings accounts deposits / withdrawals now visible
- GolosViz.com launched - See the golos blockchain live!
- An Australians view of Russia and our similarities / Вид австралийской в России и как мы похожи [en/ru]
- Putin is a badass meme megathread [100% SP post]
- 🎥Black Mirror S03E01 "Nosedive" 🎥 A future where reputation is everything [review + luckynumberoftheday]
- PSA - Suspending donations to wikileaks
- How to download the wikileaks archives + insurance files + email leaks for safe keeping
- No more steem dollar author rewards! [SBD_PRINT_RATE = 0]
- Reputation display wierdness / bug report
- Fresh papers for 31/10/16 - AI discovers new encryption techniques
- BTC rally at a decision point + Possible bitshares buying opportunity!
November 2016
- Bug report : Font display issue in title bar when creating new post
- Breaking News - China Prepares To Impose Curbs, "Capital Controls" On Bitcoin - BTC consolidation time!
- Steem and SBD Market Update + Important events coming soon ["Perspective"]
- Podestaleak , Pedoring & Cheesybay research dump Part 1
- Persons of Interest 🔎 James Achilles Alefantis aka jimmycomet at Comet Ping Pong
- Woot! We have profile pictures and a new settings screen - Release 0.1.161109 changelog [100% SP]
- Besta Pizza is connected to Andrew Kline of the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the DOJ [Pizza Parties Exposed]
- What the hell ? Chelsea Manning witnessed guard murders in the prison, reported officially and nobody cares ?
- The Great Wizard Of Leaks - A Blockchain Fantasy-Action-Adventure Epic
- TIL that Solomons Temple has already been rebuilt, in Brazil! [Deeply Symbolic Event]
- TwitterGate and PizzaGate censorship on social media and beyond + Paul Wilson found guilty!
- SteemViz is back online - now open-sourced on github!
- SpezGate: Reddit CEO edits users content [leaked mod chat logs, archived legal agreements, petition and more!]
- 600 Followers! Milestone post + recommended follows for November + musings on the future of the platform
- Little baby gekkos all over my house tonight [Photography post]
- Andrew Breitbart - Was he murdered for investigating pizzagate back in 2012 ? [Compilation in progress]
- My no-suicide pledge on the blockchain - with designated emergency contacts [Just in case]
- Where is Julian Assange ? It's now been 57 days since verifiable proof-of-life .
- Fuckery afoot ? Research VM wiped (x3) + Facebook disabled my account and wants government ID.
December 2016
- Pizzagate research archive now also available as a git repo and zip download! [+Another ad for Steemit ;)]
- James Alefantis 's instagram profile picture is Antinous - A literal monument to pederasty / pedophilia ! [Git Repo updated]
- View counts! My most viewed pages after ~12hrs of tracking
- So a gunman walked into Comet Ping Pong. Must, learn, everything. Help expose a potential false flag [Livestream+Compilation]
- Steem 0.16.0 deploys in 25 hours , and we look ready for moon again :D [Chart update]
- Pizzagate repository just got censored by github - Backup links + Updated info
- Git repos updated again + new pizzagate image compilations and coverage
- Reddit just banned the /r/Operation_Berenstain subreddit
- "Bitcoin predicted to rise 165% to $2,000 in 2017 driven by Trump’s ‘spending binge’ and dollar rally" - CNN headline just now
- Beware the pizzagate bait - recent addition to Edgar Maddison Welsh's imdb page is fake!
- PizzaGate git repo updated, now includes file hashes and PGP signature!
- Now legitimate users are being suspended for "vote brigading" Reddit. CTR shills unaffected.
- Todays collection of pizzagate mind maps, leads and videos [+Offering to pay for accounts for prominent anonymous content creators]
- Mike Love - Permanent Holiday [Music video + Lyrics]
- US Mainstream media tries to censor the "Norwegian Pedophile ring bust" story - I wonder why ?
- Red-Pills on the Fiat Economic system / Resources for the freshly woke [add your own!]
- "ThisIsFake" - A chrome extension that highlights all the "Fake News" in your facebook feed [Help censor your friends!]
- Australian ISP's ordered to block torrent sites by todays federal court decision
- 67 Rep! Milestone post with my MVPs and recommended follows for December
- Wise words from Alex Williamson, fresh meme dump and one of my favourite songs by Tim Minchin
- A few different perspectives on pizzagate from Professor Griff, Clif High, David Icke and Styxhenhammer666
- Strange energy burst recorded by MIMIC - earthquake cluster predicted before Dec 26th by Dutchsince
- Fake News Song by Happy Fun Time Farm - With sourced lyrics [Donating all rewards]
- Pizzagate git repo updated + SDB sent to new steemian happyfuntimefarm!
- PSA - "Magnetic Geometric Tiles" from KMart Australia are poorly designed and unsafe [With bonus Adam ruins christmas]
- Announcement / Suggestion to those on my vote trail in streemian [Ignore downvotes setting]
- Light displays on Christmas eve 2016 around Brisbane Australia
- Lungs filling .. Sinuses packed with meat ..
- Bitcoin Marketcap hits ATH - $15,000,000,000+ USD [ Is gold price parity next ? ]
- New Years Eve Livestreams from around the world
- Simple css change to make flagged posts display normally
January 2017
- Too hot for words - a story in pictures
- Happy Green Tree Frogs outside my window
- Pizzagate git repo updated + a brilliant new primer video from Marty Leeds + Aussie Coffs Coast Pedo Hunter
- Major milestone imminent 1 BTC = 1oz Gold (98% parity and counting)
- Pizzagate repo updated [Alefantis Threats/Voat-Dyncorp connection/new infographics]
- New Tool - How much should I promote my post for ? [steemviz.com/promo]
- Pizzagate repo updates for 11-01-2017 [Clinton and Comet Twitter Analysis and more]
- Centrelink Fail - Honest Government Advert [TheJuiceMedia]
- Pizzagate repo updates for 14-01-2017 [Yoichi Shimatsu/PizzaSlut/PizzaBrain/Gary Ducket and more]
- PSA - sli.mg is deleting images right now [steemit users unaffected]
- $25,000 USD reward for anyone who can debunk pizzagate
- 🍊 I, For One, Welcome Our New Orange Overlord
- 68 rep and 10k+ SP ! Milestone post + content review + recommended follows for January
- Pizzagate repo updates for 23-01-2017 [Alefantis victim AMA / Alertsense / Hullabalu]
- Subliminal messaging in 1960's USA national anthem clip [ WORSHIP CONSUME BELIEVE OBEY ]
- Australia Day / Invasion Day - Protests pics, videos and some historical context [ramblyrant warning]
- 🔥 Promo cost check tool updated [view and vote on posts!] 🔥
- Awesome new resource for finding "fake news" thats been censored - quibbler.press [+newsdump]
- PIZZAGATE.... is it worth investigating ? [fresh Infographic with all source links archived]
- 12hrs without interwebs - Thanks opticomm!
- 🍿 Joe Rogan #911 - Alex Jones & Eddie Bravo [+ Show notes] 🍿
February 2017
- 💕 One of the best photos of my beautiful daughter so far [+school award] 💕
- Supporting content creators via Patreon using steemit earnings [+service idea]
- SteemViz updates - Stability Fix, Auto Post Previews, SteemConnect Voting and more!
- "Boy Lover" Symbols found within Police Badges collection [+history]
- Wikileaks teases / threatens #Vault7 leak [What/Where/When/Who/Why]
- How to disable notifications on steemit [+suggestions for improvements]
- Heatwave - Todays top 15 temperatures on earth are all in Australia! [pic compilation]
- David Seaman "Expect arrests by midnight or early tomorrow"
- SteemVids.com alpha/preview
- See a pattern yet ?
- Big Oil Whistleblower John Bolenbaugh exposing oil spill coverups , intimidation and corruption.
- Release notes for Steemit version 0.1.170216
- Fbi anon returns to 4chan
- TIL about the Shakespeare Equation
- Is Steemit rebranding to Condenser ?
- CNNLeaks torrent download mirror
- Spotted on youtube : @quinneaker (or his doppleganger ?)
- Google busted censoring searches for "hollywood pedophilia" on reddit
- Major milestone passed! 1 BTC > 1oz Gold (103% parity and counting)
This post will be continued in the comments (too big!)
Like what I've been doing so far ? Consider voting for my witness
Lets connect !
steemit / twitter / gab.ai / keybase
I also made :
steemviz / steemvids / steemcap / steemleak / promo